The following Coaching specialties are aligned with and recognised by The Meta-Coach Training System and accredited through The Meta-Coach Foundation (MCF)
Good Decisions: Career Coach Program By Susie Linder-Pelz, Ph.D.
Career Coaching fits into the MC system
If you have completed ACMC or at least Coaching Essentials and Coaching Genius, you are eligible to join the Good Decisions: Career Coach Program. It will give you the additional credential of, and enable you to market yourself as, a Certified Careers Meta-Coach™.
The Good Decisions: Career Coach Certification is the only career coaching qualification that gives you eligibility for the Certified Careers Meta-Coach credential with the Meta-Coach Foundation. And as both an Associate Certified Meta-Coach and a Certified Careers Meta-Coach you will be eligible to progress towards the highest coach credentials, Professional Certified Meta-Coach and Master Certified Meta-Coach.
Description of the career coach training program
The Good Decisions: Career Coach Program is an educational and training program accredited through the Meta-Coach Foundation (MCF). It is a flexible, five-day program including self-directed study, face-to-face training, group discussion and cyber coaching as well as ongoing mentoring with Dr Susie.
On successful completion you will be licensed to use the Good Decisions Career Options and Career Development materials with your clients.
Even highly competent coaches who have completed Meta-Coach training sometimes face the challenge of working with clients whose career concerns that are outside the Meta-Coaching area of expertise. Perhaps those clients are feeling stuck, frustrated or anxious about the path they are on and want to know how to explore other options; perhaps they want to become more strategic and more successful at making career moves.
If you are among those coaches to whom it is important to have skills and resources to help clients get all their outcomes, especially in the area of work, imagine being able to coach clients through a proven career success strategy that enabled them to see, feel, think about and talk through what motivates them in relation to work, offered them tailored options, skilled them to explore and evaluate those options, helped them reach decisions that made sense and felt right, assisted them market themselves, enhanced confidence and enabled them to fulfil their career goals.
When you join the Good Decisions Career Coach Program you get
» The benefit of Dr Susie’s 18 years of research and investment in career development and coaching
» A comprehensive 190 page manual, fully referenced and in colour, plus video clips and audio guide
» The unique Good Decisions Job Titles Book
» 29 additional coach resource materials
» 24 handouts to give to clients with authorisation to reproduce
» 10 copies each of three value-adding career development resource books to give to your clients
» License to use these materials in your own coaching practice
Suggested steps about what to do to find out more
Would you like to know more about the growing field of career development and what the Good Decisions career coach training program involves? Take a look at www.gooddecisions.com.au and then email Dr Susie Linder-Pelz susie@gooddecisions.com.au