As you learn cutting-edge tools to create outstanding results for your clients and your business, you’ll experience simultaneous quantum leaps in your own development. Meta-Coach™ Training gives you the power to transform any and every aspect of your life; to fulfill your wildest dreams and exceed previous expectations; to take the joyous and enriching path of excellence.
Master revolutionary coaching models
Your training is grounded in the Communication Science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and the Cognitive Sciences of Neuro-Semantics (NS). You’ll discover the powerful Matrix Model for knowing where you are with a client and for ‘reading’ a persons inner world. You will use the Axes of Change Model for masterfully dancing with a client through the eight stages of change.
Get to the core of human development
As you learn the very structure of human change and development, you’ll gain tools to really get inside the way people communicate, learn and change so that you can coach for more complete and sustainable solutions. You’ll use incredible techniques to bring about positive and profound life change.
World-wide accreditation
Your Meta-Coach™ qualification is recognised world-wide. You’ll hold the most highly- regarded and sought after accreditation in your field.
Dramatically increase your income
Learn proven, current business strategies from people who have built lucrative coaching businesses. Gain the confidence and drive to put them into practice, and enjoy a new level of job satisfaction and financial rewards.
The Meta-Coaching program delivers more useful and practical information per minute/per dollar spent than any training program I have ever attended – and I have been to a great many of them. This is the best delivered and most useful piece of NLP/NS that I have attended in the last twenty-five years!A brilliant experience.”
Jim Brush
NS-NLP Trainer,
Business Coach,
California USA
I’ve come from an executive background, from a corporate background and I suppose the real value for me was they really talked about how executive coaching works in the work place. For me, that was fantastic value and on top of that, Michael Hall recommended that each one of us pick a mentor from that group of people who were at Meta-Coaching, so that we had someone to fall back on in terms of support, so I picked one of them and he ’s there for me,anytime.”
Sylvia Fernandes,Executive Coach,NLP/NS Trainer