If you are new to NLP and to Neuro-Semantics, read these articles first.

Guidelines for Submitting Articles

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.Min.
As you undoubtedly know, The Society of Neuro-Semantics has a strong commitment to offering high quality, professional, and scholarly presentations. Overall, this means that we do not want and will not publish anything that does not give proper credit to others, that takes snide shots at others, that presents something with arrogance or contempt, etc.

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Simply Introducing NLP

L. Michael Hall. Ph.D.
Let us tell you a story about magic. It’s a magical story, full of wows! And woes. It’s a story of magicians and wizards and frogs turning into princes. It’s an adventure into the very magic that occurs everyday in human neuro-linguistics, a story about you and the magic that’s going on this very minute in your neurology.

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