L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.with Michelle Duval, CEO Equilibrio.
In previous articles I have written about Neuro-Semantics as a model, a field of study, a set of patterns, and even as a business and community. Now I want to write about another facet of neuro-semantic, what we have designated as the neuro-semantic approach.
Category: NS Model
Neuro-Semantics as an Idea In Business
By L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Since we began using the phrase, “Neuro-Semantics,” and trade marking that term, we have developed two different references for it. On the one hand, Neuro-Semantics refers to an idea and to a model of human functioning. On the other hand, Neuro-Semantics refers to a network of people all around the globe, to the Societies and Institutes of NS and hence, to a business.
On the Creative Edge
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Every week I’m asked these and many other similar questions. Sometimes these questions arise when I talk about the 120 patterns that we have in NS and compare that to the estimated 130 to 150 NLP patterns.
Is there Any Difference Between Logical Levels and Logical Types?
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
I have recently been criticized as not knowing the difference between logical levels and logical types. Some in this field have taken me to task that Meta-States is inadequate and say that doesn’t work because it fails to distinguish logical types from logical levels. This raises numerous questions, questions that I will address in this article.
Dimensions of Modeling:
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Over the years there seems to have crept into NLP a particular confusion about modeling. That confusion involves assuming that working with strategies is the same thing as, and equivalent to modeling. But these are not the same.
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
We first introduced the new cutting-edge field of Neuro-Semantics in our book Mind-Lines: Lines that Change Minds (1997). Since then we have also published other works in this field of Neuro-Semantics. These include Figuring Out People: Design Engineering Using Meta-Programs (1998), Time-Lining: Patterns for Adventuring in Time (1998), and The Secrets of Magic (1998).
The Three Meta Domains of NLP
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
With three Meta-Domains, NLP offers three avenues to its target. This means that we have three redundant systems that to describe subjectivity. It also gives us backup systems for working with subjectivity whenever we find a roadblock along one pathway.
Meta-Thinking that Leads to Neuro-Semantics
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Long before NLP came into existence, Gregory Bateson and his associates were exploring the idea and art of “going meta.” In Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972) Bateson related the “meta move” to art, beauty, communication, consciousness, dreams, grace, aesthetics, schizophrenia, and much more.
Super-Charge Your Ego-Strength
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
We first introduced the idea and terminology of ego-strength into NLP when we made it one of the higher level meta-programs in Figuring Out People. Of course, the idea has a long history in the field of psychology. We can trace the development of the concept back to Freud and his three-fold division of personality in terms of id, ego, and super-ego.
Selling Like a Neuro-Semanticist
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
What greater integrity and congruence is there than applying one’s own principles, patterns, and models to oneself? Is there a greater integrity? Since I can’t think of one, let’s play with this idea and see where it takes us.
The Neuro-Semantics about Giving and Receiving Feedback
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
We’ve all heard the jingle, have we not? “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” Athletic champions use sensory-based feedback information from every attempt during both practice and in actual performance of the sporting event to mark and measure their progress.
The Neuro-Semantic Difference
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
To the first two questions, you will find that the answer in this article is, Yes, there is a difference between NLP and Neuro-Semantics, and yes, it is a critical one. To the third question, this article then details those differences. I could not have written this article when we began Neuro-Semantics, even two years ago I could not have written it.