Fraud Alert!
Not everyone who claims to be associated with Neuro-Semantics or Meta-Coaching is legitimately connected. With the success and extensiveness of the Institutes of Neuro-Semantics and the Meta-Coach Foundation around the planet in 40 countries, numerous people without a solid ethical foundation are falsely claiming to be associated with Neuro-Semantics. The ones warned about here are falsely advertising themselves and who refuse to following the guidelines of the Vision and Values of Neuro-Semantics.
The Test for Authenticity: How do you find out who’s for real and who is a fraud? Go to and look at the Trainer’s List. If a person is not listed there, they are not licensed and recognized by the International Society of Neuro-Semantics. And go to and if a person is not listed there as a licensed Meta-Coach, they are not.
A special warning: The following persons were once connected to Neuro-Semantics, but are not longer licensed and so no longer recognized.
In the USA, the license of Keith (Elvis) Lester in Florida has been revoked. He continues to falsely presents himself as connected by creating sound-alike websites closely worded to Neuro-Semantics and Meta-Coaching to generate business or credibility for himself. Sadly, this is a fraud. Whatever products or services that you may be tempted to buy, know that it has nothing to do with the ISNS, Dr. Hall, Neuro-Semantics or Meta-Coaching.
In France, Pierre Arthapignet, was once connected, but his licenses were revoked for violating the ethical standards of Neuro-Semantics in refusing to share and collaborate as per the Visions and Values of Neuro-Semantics. Any and every training that he does is not and will not be recognized by the ISNS or Dr. Hall: His website is which was granted based on collaboration which he refused. L’Institut français de Neuro sémantique, 159 Avenue du Maréchal Leclerc, 33130 BÈGLES, France.
In Italy, Maruizio Tucci was once a trainer, but no longer. He is currently presenting himself as representing Dr. Michael Hall and Neuro-Semantics. His license has been revoked for ethical violations as well. His website is and he claims that the trainers of Neuro-Semantics Italia are Sergio Tamburri, Maury Karinne, Peter Kemperman, and himself. The licenses of Sergio and Peter expired several years ago and do not represent the ISNS or Dr. Hall or Neuro-Semantics.
Similarly, Denise Peterson is no longer a Meta-Coach. Her license has been revoked.
In Perth Australia, Darryl Howrie is not a licensed trainer and does not represent Neuro-Semantics in any way. He is currently using our names (L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. and Dr. Bob Bodenhamer) to gain credibility for himself. His licensed was revoked in 2006 due to unethical practices and have had complaints recently that he is continuing to engage in unethical practices. We have asked him to remove all videos of us that include us. We do not recommend that you purchase anything from him or train with him.